
How to Manage Stress and Avoid Burnout

Stressed out about work? You’re not alone. With there being so many stressful situations at work and lack of a work-life balance, burnout has become a common occurrence. Add in a work-from-home order and the rising numbers of the global pandemic it’s not a surprise that people are still feeling burned-out!

Burnout can affect you, your team, and your whole office dynamic. Productivity levels drop and team morale takes a hit.

What exactly is a burnout?

A burnout is extreme physical and emotional exhaustion, often resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. Here are the top three symptoms of burnout in office workers:

  1. Feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion 
  2. Increased dissatisfaction with their career
  3. Reduced productivity at work

These are some of the most common symptoms, although other signs of burnout may come in other forms. If you are starting to feel the effects of workplace burnout, it's time to take action and manage it!

Here are 5 great strategies to help prevent burnout!
1. Work with purpose

Do you feel that your career has a deeper purpose, other than just earning a paycheck? Most of the time, rediscovering your repurpose can go a long way towards helping you avoid burnout and keeping stress at a manageable level. 

Look at the deeper impact of what you do everyday; how does your work make life better for other people? How could you add more meaning to what you do everyday?

2. Take a break

As simple as it sounds, take a break! Make sure you are taking breaks and making time for yourself. Taking short breaks between work can boost your productivity. Have a snack, get up, and stretch!

Tip: Try the Pomodoro work/break cycle, set a timer for 25 min and focus on a task, take a 3-min break intermittently, and repeat the cycle 4 times. This technique has been known to boost productivity and help the user stay focused. 

3. Build a comfortable workspace

Burnout is not only mental but physical too. 

Working at a desk that's too low or from a chair that's too high, while your back and neck get stiff from hours of work will only contribute to physical stress on your body. Minimize that stress by organizing your office in a way that allows you to work comfortably and boost productivity.

4. Set healthy work/life boundaries

A clear distinction between your professional and personal life is one of the first steps to successfully working from home. As we continue to work from home, it is important to set clear boundaries, as your personal space has also become your office space. 

Spend time with family and friends outside of work and strengthen those relationships. 

5. Start using positive self-talk

Negative words can cause long-term anxiety and stress. This is because your brain releases stress-inducing hormones when it encounters negative talk even if it's something you tell yourself. 

Give yourself room to make mistakes (were all human). 

Instead of statements like “I can't do this,” and “this is impossible,” use questions to turn it into a challenge for yourself. “How can I do this?” “How can I make this possible?”

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